Country Manager as a service

Professional who works hourly to implement your expansion plan

Based on your needs, we assign a country manager to perform tasks that cannot be done remotely.

We estimate the average work required, with a flexible contract.

Along with you, we define the functions and responsibilities of the professional.

The country manager is the leader of your company abroad. He accelerates and simplifies your international expansion.

  • Defines and introduces the medium and long-term commercial strategies
  • Works on the company's brand positioning
  • Has cultural flexibility and a good network
Learn about the responsibilities of a country manager

We are the first country manager hub in the world

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"Sterna in general has opened many doors for us and brought many new members. I have been with AAPA for 14 years and during this period we have had many Brazilian members, but no continuity in the association. Since we started working with Sterna this has changed a lot."

Rafael Díaz-Balart

AAPA Coordinator for Latin America

"Country Manager Hub helped us by first connecting us with experts so that we could organize company taxations, that was essential and we got really good advice."

Assif Hassin

COO of DockTech

''We really learned how to ask the right questions and position ourselves in front of our clients in interviews. Also, CMH helped us organize our sales process. Our sales cycle had no process and was not so organized, that changed. If we have a good operation in the country, and we are able to pass value to investors, it is due to the work of Country Manager Hub."

Assif Hassin

COO of DockTech

"CMH was a business enhancer, as it translated our company, not only in terms of language, but in a way that approached our business proposal to clients in our country operation."

Simcha Shore

CEO of AgroScout

Our clients

Dock Tech

Our scope is fully customizable

  • We assign and manage the country manager for the expansion of your company anywhere in the world. All this according to your volume of demands.
  • Our Country Managers can work flexibly (a few hours a week, part-time or full-time) depending on the stage your company is in the target market.

How we support you in the execution

Country Manager as a service

We assign the right professional to lead your company abroad. Based on your ambitions, we elaborate an action plan and monitor your company's landing in your target market.

International company registration

Count on our team to lead the process of registering your company abroad. This includes performing the registration steps in the correct order, as well as helping you with your documentation needs.

Legal representative

We act as a legal representative for your company. We are responsible for making sure your company's operation is working smoothly, sign documents and contracts and act upon any specific need.

Outsourced international department

We assign an experienced professional from our team to lead your international expansion remotely, as an outsourced team.

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Do you want to be a Country Manager?